Image of a prism

What Are Prism Lenses?

In the world of optics, a prescription lens is a tool that bends or refracts light closer or further to focus on the retina. Prisms, on the other hand, move light and images in relative...
The best contact lenses of 2023

The Best Contact Lenses in 2023

Contact lenses are getting better each year. New technologies improving the comfort, vision and overall health are giving contact lens users a reason to upgrade from their old contacts into a more popular one in...
Say Goodbye To Reading Glasses

Say Goodbye To Reading Glasses

Do you have the cheap over-the-counter reading glasses in every room of the house and work? Let our optical experts introduce you to new alternatives and say goodbye to cheaters while improving your near vision...
Eliminate Annoying Glasses Glare on Zoom Calls

Eliminate Annoying Glasses Glare on Zoom Calls

Glare on your glasses can ruin the quality of any Zoom meeting, FaceTime chat or TikTok video quickly. Your goal as a presenter or creator should be for the users on the other end have...
Woman by pond wearing blue round plastic eyeglasses from The Optical Co

Why Do My Eyes Look Big With Glasses?

Some eyeglass lenses, depending on what type of prescription is needed, can magnify your eyes to make your eyes look bigger than normal. Why is that?
Why Do My Eyes Look Smaller With Glasses?

Why Do My Eyes Look Smaller With Glasses?

Ever wonder why your eyes look smaller with your glasses on? Our state-licensed optical expert explains what causes this optical illusion.
Double bar aviator luxury metal eyeglasses sitting on table from The Optical Co

Do I Need Glasses?

Even with 20/20 vision many of us need glasses. How do you know if you need glasses even if your vision isn’t that bad. We break down a few common signs that glasses are right...
Glasses sitting on books from The Optical Co

What's The Difference Between Nearsighted and Farsighted

Are you nearsighted or are you farsighted? What is the difference between the two?